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On the day (3)Display:On the day

On the day

Arriving at the Louvre

You can meet your group at the Palais Royal-Musée du Louvre metro exit on the Place du Palais Royal. Those arriving by car will find directions to the car park as they enter the 1st arrondissement.

You will then need to head to either the Passage Richelieu or Galerie du Carrousel entrance (see group access map), where you will be asked to present your reservation confirmation and individual tickets.

Once you have arrived

Lockers and toilets are available at the group reception area under the Pyramid.

You will need to go to the counter to sort out the final formalities before beginning your visit, and will be asked to present your reservation confirmation in order to receive permission to speak publicly in the museum.


There are cafes and restaurants available in the museum, as well as in the Carrousel and Tuileries gardens (click here for more information). Please contact them directly if you would like to make a reservation.